Agape Opportunities
The posters, placemats, prayer chains, and cookie bags that we commonly refer to using the Greek word transliterated as “Agape” are visible symbols of the unconditional love Christ.
For Kairos, Agape means whatever will make the men and women participating in a Kairos weekend feel the love of God.
There are plenty of opportunities to show God’s love to those in prison - including drawing Posters that are placed on the walls, drawing Placemats that are given at each meal, and adding links in a Prayer Chain that surrounds those attending a Kairos Weekend.
Posters - Wall Agape
These posters express God's unconditional love and grace for everyone. Something that is drawn or hand written, especially by children, is the most meaningful for those separated from their own families. Posters can be made by classes, groups, families or anyone who will express God's love.
You may use pens, markers, paint, crayons, or map colors. Please only use plain white 8" x 11" or 11"x 17" paper .
Please DO NOT use glitter, glitter pens, or glue anything to the posters.
Posters from the Darrington Unit
Placemats - Table Agape
At every meal served at a KAIROS weekend, a placemat is included. These are extra special pieces of artwork usually colored by children & senior citizens. Often the inmates will be allowed to keep these placemats in their possession. They often transform a drab cell into a place of hope. We have seen a child's placemat be an instrument God uses to soften hearts allowing God's love to enter. Our Kairos team will provide the 11” x 17” placemat forms that need to be colored. The more colorful the better. Include only the FIRST NAMES and AGE of any child. Use map colors, watercolors, or washable markers.
DO NOT glue anything to the placemat, DO NOT use glitter or stickers.
A child tracing around their handprint with a simple "Jesus loves you" is also meaningful and is amazing how God can use it to touch a man's heart.
Print Your Placemat Guidelines Here
Each of the above Placemats were produced by the children attending a school for prisoners in another local correctional facility.
Prayer Chain - Agape
We can add your name to a link on a Prayer Chain for the upcoming Kairos Weekend. These prayer chains, sometimes hundreds of feet long, are pulled out of a bag and strung from the ceiling during a Kairos Weekend.
See below to have your name added to a Prayer Chain or for other ways to pray.