Kairos Goree Weekend Prayer Vigil
Each Kairos Weekend is covered in prayer by people from all over the world.
It is easy to sign up for a slot using the online website called Prayer Vigils. (prayervigils.net Notice the word Vigils is plural and the domain is “.net”.)
Just type in Kairos Goree and select a one half hour time slot where you are committed to pray.
Some prayer points:
Pray the Lord annoint the Kairos Volunteers with a mantle of truth and love.
Pray that the Holy Spirit prompt the Kairos Volunteers to Listen, Listen, Love, Love not only the Men in White but also their fellow volunteers.
Pray that the Love of the Father, the Good News of the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ, and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit be tangibly present.
Pray that hearts are touched by the power of God and that lives are transformed.
Pray that the Men in White and Volunteers then attend the follow up Instructional Day, the weekly Prayer and Share Sessions, and the semi-annual Reunions.
Pray that the Men in White find their new purposes within the walls and that, when released, they find a community of believers outside the walls.
Pray for their protection and comfort and that the
“Lord Bless us all and Keep us all, and that He let His Countenance Shine each of us and that He give us each peace.
Go to PrayerVigils.net to sign up.
Once at their Website, type the name of the unit into the Search Box - in this case “Kairos Goree”. Then click on “Signup” and Fill in the Signup Form.