Ways to Help
We need your help. There are many opportunities for you to serve in this ministry. All we ask is that you have a willing heart and a spirit of obedience. You can play a crucial role in God's ministry of Changing Hearts, Transforming Lives and Impacting the World. Below is some basic information on how to "get involved."
Be a Team Member
Kairos volunteers come from all walks and strata of life. They all share a desire to follow Christ's admonition of Matthew 25:36, "I was in prison and you visited me." If you feel God's call to minister to the incarcerated as a part of a Kairos team, please contact us using our Contact Page. A team application is located here.
Be a Support Volunteer
Each Kairos retreat weekend has opportunities for outside support, such as baking cookies, or preparing meals. No worries - you will be assigned to an experienced Kairos team.
Be a Prayer Partner
All Kairos activities are covered with prayer. You can be a part of that prayer effort.
Sign up at PrayerVigils.net
For more information or Prayer Vigils instructions, click here.
Download the Prayer Chain Template here.
Be an Agape Volunteer
The posters, placemats, prayer chains, and cookie bags that we commonly refer to using the Greek word transliterated as “Agape” are visible symbols of the unconditional love Christ.
For Kairos, Agape means whatever will make the men and women participating in a Kairos weekend feel the love of God.
There are plenty of different types of Agape that you can make and a few examples are listed below:
Posters - Wall Agape
These posters express God's unconditional love and grace for everyone. The most meaningful for the men is something that is drawn or hand written, especially by children. Posters can be made by classes, groups, families or anyone who will express God's love. You can use pens, markers, paint, crayons, or map colors only on plain white 8" x 11" or 11"x 17" paper .
Please DO NOT use glitter, glitter pens, or glue anything to the posters.
Placemats - Table Agape
At every meal served at a KAIROS weekend, a placemat is included. These are extra special pieces of artwork usually colored by children & senior citizens. Often the inmates will be allowed to keep these placemats in their possession. They often transform a drab cell into a place of hope. We have seen a child's placemat be an instrument God uses to soften hearts allowing God's love to enter. Our Kairos team will provide the 11” x 17” placemat forms that need to be colored. The more colorful the better. Include only the FIRST NAMES and AGE of any child. Use map colors, water colors or washable markers. DO NOT glue anything to the placemat, DO NOT use glitter or stickers. A child tracing around their handprint with a simple "Jesus loves you" is also meaningful and is amazing how God can use it to touch a man's heart.
Prayer Chain - Ceiling Agape
We can add your name to a link on a Prayer Chain for the upcoming Kairos Walls Weekend or you may download the below PDF to create your own prayer chain. These prayer chains sometimes hundreds of feet long are pulled out of a bag and strung from the ceiling during a Kairos Weekend.
The Prayer Chain volunteers are asked to pray during the weekend for the Kairos Team, the Participants and for the Kairos Prison Ministry.
Please send your First name and your City location to kairosgoree@gmail.com and with “Prayer Chain” in the email Subject Line.
Or, download and complete your own page(s) of the prayer chain form below.
Then give it to the Agape coordinator at a Weekend Preparation meeting.
Be a Ministry Financial Donor
Kairos Prison Ministry International (“KPMI”) is a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit corporation chartered in the State of Florida.
All Kairos activities are funded by donations.
Each Kairos Walk cost about $12,600 for food, cookies, materials, lodging, etc. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and needed. We welcome you into this ministry through giving. If you would like to support this ministry by your donation, make your check payable (any amount is appreciated!) to Kairos Goree and send it to:
Kairos of Texas - Goree
PO Box 131362
Spring, TX 77393
Click here to make a financial donation. This will take you to the Kairos Prison Ministry International site.
Be sure to reference “Texas” and, if possible, type in “Kairos Goree” Unit later in the donation process.