Kairos Support Team
Food and Prayer

For each Three Day Kairos Weekend we show the Love of our Father for the Men in White through the hard work and prayers of a team of dedicated volunteers. For some Men in White, this is the first home cooked meal, or fresh fruit, they have had in decades. The food is abundant demonstrating the overwhelming love of our Savior. You feel that their hearts were touched in their eyes and smiles. This is a way for you to reach into the prison even though you do not go inside, apart from the men who deliver the food.

The Outside Support Team plans menus, buys the food, prepares the food, and delivers the about 600 meals throughout the weekend. This is a huge task that requires people willing to work hard for 3 1/2 days. The Outside Support Team also prays throughout the weekend. Men in White submit confidential prayers which are carried out with the food. These are serious life-impacting prayer requests that require spiritual unity and committed prayers by the Outside Support Team

The reward is in the deep appreciation expressed by the Men in White as they feel the love of the Father through your hands and feet.

Here are some of the more humorous quotes followed by the “Cookie Testimony”.

“Thankful for the love and food. There was love in that Oreo cake.”
”Not only got salvation, joy, hope, and refreshment but also got six hamburgers, and banana pudding – and an elevated A1C”
“I accepted Christ today. Happy dance.”
”Taking away love, camaraderie, forgiveness, and 15 pounds.
“Prayed for Lasagna! And we had lasagna”
— Thankful Men in White

Outside Support Team Roles